1844-2844: Atomo & Àgape

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1844-2844: Atomo & Àgape

By: Carlos J. Mendoza


About the Book

1844-2844: Atomo & Àgape was written 30 years ago, to describe the beginning of the Bahai Era and how its principles will play out during the Apocalyptical Millennium, in a form of historical fiction, according to the author's imagination. Two aspects stand out in the book, such as achieving Universal Peace through the Progressive Revelations of the Envoys of God and the concept that neither Matter nor Spirit are Created or Destroyed; they only Transform. In the end, readers will have a better understanding of Faith and Hope in a source of Power greater than our own.

About the Author

Carlos J. Mendoza is an American citizen who was born in El Viejo, Chinandega, Nicaragua. He obtained a degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Centroamericana UCA. He came to the USA in 1979 and worked as a journalist during the 80s and 90s in the weekly La Raza News. Carlos is a CAC (Certified Addictions Counselor) and actually is retired and living in Chicago.


(2023, paperback, 312 pages)