A Kind of Justice

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A Kind of Justice 

By: Dr. Thomas Murray


About the Book

A Kind of Justice tells the story of a financial manager who moonlights as a hired assassin by night. We enter the story as our protagonist decides to take revenge on the man who murdered an entire family, leaving only one woman alive, albeit alone and utterly traumatized. A Kind of Justice tells of a soul tortured by his religious, ethical, and moral upbringing.  A man trying his best to navigate the river of life; balancing his individual needs against his families, his wife, strangers that ask for his assistance and a society that would convict him of murder and send him to prison if he makes just one mistake along the way and is discovered.

About the Author

Dr. Thomas Murray is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and minister who has a Ph.D. in Theology. He and his wife Dawn have five children. They currently reside in North Carolina. 

(2023, paperback, 272 pages)