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A Man of Stihl: Nick Stihl Private Investigator (HB)
By: Dr. Richard A. Olson
About the Book
Rediscover America's Sin City. 1930s Peoria, Illinois, home to organized crime, gambling, prostitution, and corruption. A town controlled by a ruthless gang and a mayor with deep pockets.
A city nicknamed the King of Burlesque. "If it plays in Peoria, it plays anywhere." Enter a world of depression, faith, and hope, where guns and fisticuffs rule. Our hero, Nick Stihl, is a boxer turned P.I., trying to make a difference with all odds stacked against him. A world of violence, with grim dark humor trying to even things out. A man with true friends, in a land of enemies. Learn from the past to learn about the future!
About the Author
Dr. Richard A. Olson is a Chiropractic Physician and Acupuncturist. The author, his wife Angela, and family live on twin Lakes outside Peoria, Illinois. Dr. Olson was a musician, martial artist and bodybuilder. He is passionate about Pulp magazines, books, movies and comics from the 1930s and 1940s.
(2022, hardbound, 246 pages)