A Sweet Goodbye to the Friend in My Head

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A Sweet Goodbye to the Friend in My Head: It’s a Different Day

By: Gigi Durham


About the Book

From the 60s to today, Gigi Durham’s collection A Sweet Goodbye to the Friend in My Head shares stories throughout the decades, showing the ever-increasing polarization of the United States, the loss of friendships over time, and the powerful relationships of lifelong partners. Durham speaks to these experiences through the lens of a slowly deteriorating relationship with the friend in her head, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and captures the beauty and tragedy of life.


About the Author

Gigi Durham was born in Durham, North Carolina, home of NCCU and Duke University. During her senior year of college, she married the love of her life, CT. Their adventures together broadened through his career as a naval flight officer, enhanced the lives of their family which included four children and five grandchildren. Today Gigi calls Hampton Roads her forever home.

A devoted AME Christian, Durham believes, "To whom much is given, much is required." Along with her faith, she volunteers with the Meals on Wheels program in Chesapeake, Virginia, as well as the food bank in Norfolk.

As a retired teacher, Durham taught her students to love reading. She enjoys introducing her children, grandchildren, and students to the great works of James Baldwin, Phyliss Wheatley, Nikki Giovanni, and especially the friend in her head, Laura Ingalls Wilder.


(2022, paperback, 80 pages)