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By: Angela R. Zurita
About the Book
In Ang, Angela R. Zurita reveals how the “everyday family” isn’t always as it seems. Often, we live our lives thinking family are those most loyal to us, and that blood is thicker than water. Zurita begs to differ, as she openly presents the flaws of her family life on paper for the world to see. Some may judge, but others with broken families may learn how to navigate the shattered world already laid out for them, in order to overcome their obstacles and become the person they were meant to be.
About the Author
Angela R. Zurita has a mechanical background and learned how to excel as the only woman in a male-dominated workforce. She loves to draw, read, photograph, and dive into learning new skills. Zurita is a huge Pokémon fan and devotes much of her free time to her card collection.
(2023, paperback, 122 pages)