Around the World in 12 Years and 12 Square Meters

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Around the World in 12 Years and 12 Square Meters: Memories and Insights

By: Steffen P. Russak


About the Book

A lot can happen in 12 square meters: you can fall in love, see the world, and go on the greatest adventures of your life. Although small in size, the Fuchur opened up the entire world to Steffen Russak and his beloved wife Marianne. Their adventures spanned multiple countries, languages, and cultures. All this began with one dream of traveling the world and truly enjoying every minute. When Russak’s sweetheart of 55 years lost her battle with breast cancer, he chose to memorialize her through his book, sharing their tales with the entire world. His dream is to inspire other explorers to embrace the world around them by traveling and soaking in the experience it has to offer.

About the Author

Born in 1940, Steffen P. Russak grew up in Northeast Brazil before moving to Switzerland. There he met and married his wife, and the two had two children together. Before retiring, he worked as a successful mechanical engineer and was actively involved n many diverse ad creative activities worldwide. After retirement, he moved to the United States and traveled with his wife until widowed in 2018. He enjoys literature, travel, photography, and formerly riding his motorcycles. This is his first published work.

(2020, hardback, 156 pages)