Around the World with Uncle Doc 1931-1932

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Around the World with Uncle Doc 1931-1932

By: Louis Keefer


About the Book

This is the diary of Curview Meram ‘Doc’ Ehlen, typed by him during his trip around the world from October 1931 to March 1932. 

‘Doc’, as everyone called him, was born in Genesee, Idaho on December 19, 1898 to Dr. William Hamilton Ehlen and Belle (McGregor) Ehlen. He was a WWI veteran serving in the Canadian Air Corps and later became an inventor and investor in Boise, Idaho where he met and married Theresa L. Stone. Doc passed away on September 11, 1980 in Boise. 

Theresa and Doc were very involved in the arts and humanities, hosting many nationally known musical artists, supporting the Philharmonic and participating in philanthropic programs. 

In 1929, Doc decided to see the world, and after much preparation, in 1931 he set out with his Remington typewriter and Graflex camera from Seattle, Washington by boat to Japan and then to China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Batavia, Bali, Vietnam, Cambodia, Calcutta, Ceylon, Korea, the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Egypt, Greece, and Italy. 

Included in the diary is a complete itinerary and cost of his trip, until he quit typing after he left Greece (maybe his typewriter quit!) and no other entries were made. 

Doc narrates this document, compiled by his nephew, Louis Keefer, in such a manner as if the reader were there and is his traveling companion. 


(2024, hardback, 144 pages)