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Finding My Way Back to the Big Easy
by Jeanne Quinn
This book was written as one constant thought and was taken from journal entries made before, during and after Hurricane Katrina. Jeanne describes it as a maze of confusion, and just like a puzzle maze once you start it there is no turning back until you have found your way out at the finish. You will have a firsthand account of a brilliant mind going mad, a mind without boundaries or punctuation marks to relieve the stresses, a mind incapable of processing the enormous loss of a great city, being a woman, death, suicide, love, loss and more. In fact, Jeanne pauses only to ask questions in her poetry, questions are the only moment of sanity and calm in the wake of rhyming words on the attack. You will find yourself at times wanting to get out of the maze, yet you will feel compelled to continue the journey until you find the finish.
This rhyming maze will mirror the journey of many New Orleans citizens who were faced with a loss so great that they too wanted it to be over, but soon found out their journey would take years. In fact some people still suffer today and have not found their finish. This book with its unique approach and easy read helps you to realize how devastating the break in the levees proved to be for the people and city of New Orleans. It is fun and scary all at the same time, a rollercoaster ride that will leave you wanting to ride it again and again. Jeanne is truly a poet and voice of her generation.
About the Author
Jeanne Marie Quinn was born in Uptown New Orleans. She was named after her great grandmother, Jeanne Marie who was Cajun French. Most of her life experiences have been on the streets of New Orleans. On any given weekend you can catch her walking the French Market with her daughter and having lunch in the French Quarter. Jeanne is a true native of New Orleans, with a love for music, food, and life. She is a spiritual woman and is an inspiration to anyone who meets her. One of her good friends put it best when she wrote the words of encouragement during a trying time of writers block and editing woes.
Jeanne you have always been blessed with a different view on life's experiences. What I always loved and admired about you was your ability to step out of a situation and make a rationale choice or sound advice. As you know, I love art. And the few artists I have met have a special gentle intense aura that surrounds them. Now that I think back, you have the aura. It has always been there and you do not need anything else. Continue to be you and I have not doubt you will be a successful writer. -Marge Abadie Michel
(2010, paperback, 166 pages)