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Heart & Soul, Tragedy & Recovery: My Story Through Poetry
By: Daniel Burdick
About the Book
This book of poetry was written from an emotional and spiritual growth point of view of someone recovering from addiction and life tragedies. The reader will receive an emotional response and a feeling of understanding that we all face tragedy in life, but it is possible to recover and enjoy a better life.
About the Author
Daniel Burdick is a full time construction worker, and tries to work with others to recognize and deal with their addiction and other issues in life. He enjoys quiet time by himself to reflect and write. He also enjoys making videos of his poetry, creating backgrounds and lighting. He has a Facebook page for his poetry and a Facebook group where he shares art and how his recovery effects his life. And when he can get past his stage fright, he likes to do poetry open mic night shows.
(2022, paperback, 364 pages)