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By: Doug Riebock
About the Book
Hunted is a suspenseful story about a self-employed mechanic who is approached by the U.S. government to participate in a project. He wants no part of it, but they will not take no for an answer. This relevant story involves pandemics -- the one we had as well as ones which may occur in the future -- and the vaccines used to combat them. In addition to the action, it deals with themes of relationships and knowing who to trust.
About the Author
Doug Riebock graduated from Northern Illinois University in 1976, the same year he married his wife. He received a degree in journalism but only worked part-time for a newspaper. He became a mechanic and worked at that for thirty-four years. He volunteers at Lazarus House, a place that helps people get back on their feet. He has a son, two daughters, and six grandchildren. Since retiring two years ago, he has devoted more time to his writing and is working on another book with his best friend.
(2023, paperback, 188 pages)