Jesus and the Butterfly

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Jesus and the Butterfly

By: Maureen Gaynor


About the Book

After losing her younger brother to suicide, Alex, a resident in emergency medicine, suspends her residency at Tufts Medical Center. Alex is a brilliant doctor, but in her eyes, she had failed her brother, and her parents. Stuck in a haze of self-doubt, one summer’s night on Duxbury Beach, she and a couple of friends discuss how Alex can move forward and she is keen on the idea of driving cross country, alone.

Before her first night ends at a campground in Pennsylvania, she cross paths with Jesus, and for the rest of her journey, Jesus challenges Alex in every way possible to think of herself differently, to look at faith differently, to look at the world different and all through Alex’s journey of restoration, she bears witness to Jesus’ incredible gifts.

About the Author

Maureen lives in Greenville, Rhode Island. Born with athetoid cerebral palsy, she graduated from Roger Williams University, majoring in architectural studies. With limited fine motor control in her hands, Maureen uses a headpointer to type. In 2015, she received the prestigious Courage of Conscience Award from The Peace Abbey in Millis, Massachusetts for her strong advocacy work for people with developmental disabilities. In her spare time, Maureen loves to compose music—a lifelong passion.


(2024, paperback, 392 pages)