Just a Story

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Just a Story
by Charles O. Wing

War turns Tangs life upside down, as his family is taken away from him. This farmer is now thrust into the life of a warrior, who eventually becomes a wizard and a friend to dragons. With his new powers, he realizes he has a responsibility to help free the kingdom and bring peace to the land. Upon the end of the war and reuniting with his family, Tang can now settle back home and begin work on constructing a village.

Just a Story illustrates that throughout Tangs life as farmer, warrior, wizard, friend to dragons, husband, father to many orphans, and maker and lover of music, one principle guides him: do what is best for the kingdom as a whole.

About the Author:

Charles O. Wing has written stories for as long as he can remember. Upon retirement he finally had time to attempt to publish them. Most of his working life was spent in the field of nursing, except for a fifteen year period in Ontario, Canada. Working as a nurse gave him great insight into how people react to difficult situations.

The greatest influence on Wings novels, however, came from studying Celtic culture in Ontario. He learned to play the bagpipes and studied Irish, Scottish, and Welsh myths. His motto for his stories is Believe and it becomes real.

(2016, Paperback, 486 pages)