Letters to Heaven

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Letters to Heaven

By: Daisy Parker


About the Book

Letters to Heaven is a collection of special letters written to wonderful people in Daisy Parker’s life who are now living in Heaven. She shares how a very simple thing like a sound or an object can bring back a cherished memory that keeps the love between them alive in her heart forever.

This book was written to comfort a precious child (or anyone) who has a broken heart from the loss of a loved one. Daisy hopes, by sharing a few of her personal letters, it will help a child remember a special memory that they shared with the person they loved who died.

Letters to Heaven will become a favorite book that children will want to keep forever because on the last few pages they can write about and draw their own special memory. Daisy hopes this treasured memory will brighten a child's day and begin to heal their broken heart!

About the Author

God has been so good to Daisy! She grew up in a loving Christian home with parents who loved and cherished her and her three brothers. Their lives were very busy...full of hard work, lots of sports, many pets, and loads of fun! She is very thankful for all the happy memories she has growing up in the Hamer family.

Children are Daisy’s true joy! At the age of 21, she had the privilege to start her career as an elementary school teacher. She loved all the years that she had teaching her precious students. God also blessed Daisy with four very handsome and talented sons and many adorable nieces, nephews, and cousins to love, too. She and her husband are very thankful to have their sweet and beautiful daughters-in-law. Now their family has been blessed with all of their precious grandchildren! The greatest gift ever!!! Daisy’s family, friends, prayer group, church, and all the children in her life make her a very happy lady.


(2023, hardback, 30 pages)