Product Overview
by Dr. Maxwell S. Pinto ManagementFlirting with Disaster! is an incisive and intelligent reference manual that aims to improve standards of management and interaction at work. If successful, the workplace will be a happier, more effective environment for owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and the community as a whole. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Maxwell S. Pinto is a management consultant with a Ph.D. in business administration from Pacific Southern University in California. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (England and Wales) and a life member of the Institute of Professional Managers (UK). Dr. Pinto is listed in Marquis Whos Who in the World and in several publications of the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England. Dr. Pinto is fluent in five languages and has international experience in management consulting, corporate analysis, management information systems, valuation and sale of businesses, and administration and finance. This book, the result of Dr. Pintos disillusionment with the approach adopted by managers all over the world, is a follow-up to his highly acclaimed and authoritative manual on business management, The Management Syndrome How to Deal with It! As an independent consultant, Dr. Pinto has a specific commitment to working with a bottom-line approach to solve businesses problems. (2005, paperback, 52 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.