Passions of the Heart

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Passions of the Heart

By: Edward W. Woods


Inspired by the death of the author’s brother, “Joe,” who came to him and said, “God wants you to create poems to help humanity.” Passions of the Heart is a collection of those poems, all written within a year and a half, nearly one every three and a half day! The author states, “This entire experience has been amazing and taught me what is truly valuable in this lifetime…building memories.”


About the Author

Edward W. Woods was born in Alton, Illinois in 1953. His family moved to California in 1959 and along the way he was exposed to radioactive fallout. He had what is referred to as “acute radiation sickness” and spent a long time in the hospital. He survived and moved to Oregon where he grew up working fields, picking beans, strawberries, and moving irrigation pipes. Drawing was always a passion along with creative writing in college. Woods took his first poetry class with his youngest son when he was in junior college back in 2002. This entire book has been a spiritual journey for the author, set in motion by his brother’s spirit. The author states, “The night of his death, his spirit came to me and said to take all the pain and or happiness from my life and turn it into a poetic form for humanity.”


(2022, paperback, 212 pages)