Patricia 'Warrior Queen of Africa!' Book Three: The Warrior Queen Meets the Warrior Princess!

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Patricia ‘Warrior Queen of Africa!’ Book Three: The Warrior Queen Meets the Warrior Princess!

By: Marnee Patricia Banks


About the Book

In this, the third book of the Warrior Queen of Africa series, The Goddess Greek Barb Athena is still briefing the legends of Xena the Warrior Princess, and Gabrielle the Battling Bard of Poteidea in the "Great Hall of Records," viewing room in Heaven. Athena is almost done briefing them and very soon they will return to Earth once again in the service of Heavenly Father to aid the great Goddess Athena for the greater good of all of mankind!

Many wonderful things happen between these covers, three legendary women find their "soul mates!" The Warrior Queen meets her sister for the very first time, and another family member that’s been waiting a very long time to meet her! An old and very beloved friend returns from the great beyond tool So buckle your seatbelts and hang-on you are in for the ride of your life!


(2022, paperback, 498 pages)