Poems 1

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by Eva Guggenheimer

Why write? Well, it's a means of transportation

A vehicle

A vehicle of return

Of return to better times

Although those times

Were not so good

In fact

Some of those times were terrible.

Then why write

Write and ride

On this convenient vehicle

This means of transportation

To be transported to better times?


Poems by Eva Guggenheimer is an exceptional collection of verses. Join the author on her journey through her experiences.

About the Author:

Eva Guggenheimer is married, and she has four children, ten grandchildren, and also great-grandchildren. After immigrating to the United States, she went in 1960 to the University of Minnesota to become proficient in English. She received her BA in 1962, her MA in 1964, and her Ph.D. in classical languages in 1967.

(2015, Paperback, 198 pages)