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Poetry in the Key of Black
By: L. Stanley Bascomb
About the Book
Poetry in the Key of Black is a positive, spiritual, uplifting outlet for the black community, where a person may want to express themselves. L. Stanley Bascomb gives those people that outlet, his and other people in his community, life, battles, experiences, loves, dreams, changes, understandings, misunderstandings, and something they can relate to, not a fantasy land of another’s community—their reality.
About the Author
L. Stanley Bascomb is the thirteenth of fourteen children. He started out life like a lot of others, underprivileged, living in a world only the few would have survived, with their sanity. He learned the streets early on, called survival, and as he grew up the pains of his past were his salvation for his future. He was an activist in the early days of the Black Panthers, which provided him with the direction to give back to his community, in mostly volunteer football coaching for about 18 years. He also coached 1 year of football at Rainier Beach High School, 1 year of football at Cleveland High School and 1 year of coaching Youth basketball at Queen Anne Community Center
(2022, paperback, 168 pages)