Product Overview
Praise Poetry
by Barbara Fleury
The body of work that is under the title Praise Poetry took a year to complete. It started out as a project for the year 2011, the year that the author actively became saved. All Barbara set out to do was write a single coherent poem each month; however it picked up speed and before long a manuscript developed. Some of the poems are melodic and can even be sung, such as Morning Star. Others were meant as spiritual rap songs, such as Praises to the Most High. These words are those of a tortured soul who has been set free from the torment of living without purpose and without Gods guidance.
About the AuthorAfter being born again, Barbara Fleury began to write with greater clarity. God has been the guiding light that has taken her from constant sadness and lack of purpose to a life filled with love and goodness. This love has been spiritual and embodied the love we have of Christ when we reconcile and repent.
Barbara is a work in progress, yet already she feels elevated by the brightness of the world when the Lords extending grace reaches her. A professional student, never finding her way, she felt chosen when she began to write for religious purposes. Sharing His Gospel is a way to share His love and do what she enjoys.
(2013, paperback, 34 pages)