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Soul Music: Music of the Spheres
by Elenora B. Jones
Drawing on thirty years of research in metaphysics, Soul Music is a collection of essays exploring some of the topics the author, Elenora B. Jones, has found most useful through her own personal experiences and her interactions with others.
Astrology, as a science that deals with energy, matter, motion, and force, can be a useful tool in the process of coming to understand ourselves, other people, and the larger mysteries of life. In Soul Music, the reader will find meaningful explanations of astrological influences, numerology, and philosophy, presented in a direct and accessible narrative that seeks to cultivate intellectual curiosity and an ongoing personal journey toward awareness and understanding
About the AuthorElenora B. Jones is a native of Washington State and now resides in Arizona with her husband, Richard. Her varied interests include, reading and research, gardening, travel, and music. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers and the International Society for Astrological Research. Ms. Jones is also the author of Little Bits: The Universal Energies.
(2010, paperback, 144 pages)