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South Sudan's Endless Sorrows
By: Lul Gatkuoth Gatluak
About the Book
In depth, comprehensive, and extensively researched, South Sudan’s Endless Sorrows chronicles the complex history of South Sudan and its long, bitter struggle for freedom. South Sudan’s long battle with colonization and invasion of foreign powers began as early as the twelfth century and has continued up until the twentieth century, when the struggle for liberation came to a long period of bloody civil unrest and war. To this day, South Sudan still struggles to find its own identity, voice, and freedom. With a devout love of his homeland and the people he holds dear, Gatluak’s history of South Sudan doubles as a heart-wrenching plea for intervention, compromise, and peace in the country that has been ransacked by violence for centuries.
About the Author
Lul Gatkuoth Gatluak is a South Sudanese American born in the Puldeng village near Bilpam, at the border of South Sudan and Ethiopia. Lul has always had a drive and passion for education; after moving to the United States, he received his high school diploma, his associate’s degree in Liberal Arts from Minneapolis Community and Technical College, a bachelor of arts in Criminal Justice from Metropolitan State University with a minor in English, and a bachelors of science in Communication Studies at Minnesota State University-Mankato with a minor in Sociology. Lul also hold a master’s degree in Public Administration at Hamline University. Besides this book, Lul has also written several articles.
(2023, paperback, 580 pages)