The Accident: July 21, 1960 - PB

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The Accident: July 21, 1960

By: Bob Grudle


About the Book

On July 21, 1960, Bob Grudle was struck by a car at the age of five, leaving him unconscious for five weeks and partially paralyzed, having suffered multiple skull fractures. As a result, he ended up attending a school for handicapped children.

Grudle went back to visit that same school as an adult to learn more about the accident and his subsequent treatment, as he had no memory of the accident itself or anything before it.

During his journey, Grudle’s family reminds him of his life after the accident and how he learned to walk again.

About the Author

Bob Grudle worked various jobs before being hired by the FBI and relocating first to Washington, DC, and then Nebraska. He retired from the FBI due to a hip injury, earned several college degrees, traveled, and worked in maintenance until retiring in 2020. He has written and published several books prior to this one.


(2024, paperback, 36 pages)