The Adventures of Agent Keva: Service Dog

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The Adventures of Agent Keva: Service Dog

By: Anastasia Bluebird


About the Book

When a service dog named Keva loses her owner, she is sad and lonely. Keva misses helping her human. When she meets Anastasia, everything changes and Keva is once again a happy, helping service dog.

About the Author

Anastasia Bluebird is hard of hearing and does American Sign Language. She doesn’t hear anything without her hearing aids, and she needs a service dog to help her. Keva is the perfect service dog.

Anastasia has ten children and is now a grandmother of 25. She works and loves to do crafts, but most of all, she loves to spend time with her children and her grandchildren because there is no greater love than family.


(2023, paperback, 30 pages)