The Innovator's Mindset

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The Innovator’s Mindset

By: Gabriel V. Lechuga


About the Book

The Innovator’s Mindset was first and foremost written with the innovator in mind. With approximately only 1% of all innovations succeeding in the marketplace, the pursuit of success and the chances of failure are extremely high. With odds like those there is a great need for advice on how to navigate the innovation field. Inside are insights, advice, true stories, experiences and examples of what it takes to become a successful innovator from the author’s firsthand knowledge. It also stresses the importance of being mentally ready and why preparation is so important to help face coming challenges. Additionally, there is a call for all individuals wanting to make positive changes in this world especially when it comes to countering poverty. With the ideas in this book it is hoped that all innovators reach their goals.

About the Author

Gabriel V. Lechuga, a successful entrepreneur currently living in Rancho Mirage, California, went from tradesman to manufacturer. His career began as a young man working in the Plumbing Industry on the construction side. He worked hands on in the trade and motivated himself to learn the mechanical side of the industry. As he immersed himself in understanding plumbing codes and plumbing systems design, he acquired more knowledge of the larger industry. During that time, he visualized products that would help make jobs easier, and developed his “innovators mindset”. He took a chance on bringing his first of many innovations to the industry thirty years ago, which continues generating millions of dollars of revenue annually.

(2020, paperback, 192 pages)