The Journey by George Patton Bargas

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The Journey

By: George Patton Bargas


About the Book

The Journey is the story of a child who grew up with a deep love for his country. A child who envisioned how great it would be to serve his country and dreamed of the day he would come marching home in a parade and have the “proverbial” girl run out from the crowd and throw her arms around him as she planted one right on the mouth.

It’s the story of a Christian boy who turned against God and all he had been raised to believe. A boy who realized he had become what he hated most. A boy who waged a forty-year war against God. A boy who received the best training and weapons any country could offer, then came home to fight a war, a real war, in which he was not equipped to fight. A war his country never prepared him for. A young man who fought the only way he knew how, with drugs and alcohol. A young man who never got his parade, who came home to be spit on and have drinks poured over his precious uniform at the airport. A young man who felt as though the country he loved so much had betrayed him. A young man who, after three attempts to take his own life, and a series of “shock treatments” finally made his piece with God almost fifty years later. A man who finally realized that he had WON the war!


About the Author

George Patton Bargas is not really involved in his community as he has found it difficult to trust people. In the war, he trusted his fellow soldiers with his life, something he couldn’t do once back home. His hobbies are writing, of course, and he has been very active in church. Bargas is very active and interested in politics. He and his wife are raising two of their grandchildren: Jason, 14, and Falicity, 8. Bargas loves them in a way he never thought possible.



(2022, hardbound, 46 pages)