The Leadership Papers

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The Leadership Papers
by Tim Triplett

Use this book to positively influence others. Author Tim Triplett hopes all 365 days impact you and improve your mission as a leader and therefore improve your organization, team and family. The book is designed for YOU to take notes, mark it up and to start making your own collection of ways to inspire others. This is simply a guide on ways to motivate and inspire. As Triplett is sure you will find in your journey, none of the following pages will work unless you are willing to apply them. Good luck!

About the Author:

Tim Triplett has been a college football coach for over a decade and holds a masters degree in Sports Management. He has worked as a consultant for various high school, college and European programs. Throughout his career, Triplett has committed himself to the study of leadership and management techniques in different arenas of business, sports, education and history.

(2017, Paperback, 42 pages)