The Little Handbook of Mini-Mindfulness Meditation

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The Little Handbook of Mini-Mindfulness Meditation
by Tan Seng Beng

The Little Handbook of Mini-Mindfulness Meditation offers readers simple practices that may be useful when they are having a difficult time in the midst of their serious illnesses. Drawing from the literature of mindfulness in medicine, this book aims to nourish the seeds of mindfulness so that it can transform suffering and increase happiness and peace irrespective of pain and illnesses.

About the Author

Tan Seng Beng is a lecturer and clinician in Palliative Medicine at University Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is a researcher in mindfulness and The Four Noble Truths suffering, causes of suffering, happiness, causes of happiness, in medicine, with particular reference to Palliative Medicine and end-of-life care.

(2012, paperback, 30 pages)