The Miracle River

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The Miracle River

By: Jeremy Dwayne Wheeler


About the Book

The Miracle River is a story of perseverance . . . a story of love that goes beyond the mortal realm.

A legendary retired poker player gets a terminal diagnosis and decides one more time to climb to the top of the poker mountain. This story combines elements that will interest many readers. For those with faith in God, for those who wonder about what lies beyond, or for those just wanting a great story about personal sacrifice and redemption . . . this story is for you.

The Miracle River takes on faith, love, friendship, and poker—there's something for everyone to enjoy. Our lives hold value and there are always those who love and appreciate us.


About the Author

Jeremy Dwayne Wheeler plays Texas Hold ’em semi-regularly and has competed in several professional events, but his main job is being a father. He has a four-year-old son and one-year-old daughter. He would have never dreamed he'd be able to write a book and raise kids, but if you take anything away from this book, know that your dreams can come true.


(2022, paperback, 382 pages)