The Missing Mom

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The Missing Mom
by Marion McDonald
Illustrated by Marion McDonald and Marion Brown

The Missing Mom tells the story of a family moving to a new home. This entertaining piece is also aimed to explore how change teaches this family to stick together. Each member has mixed feelings about this transition. You will be surprised to see which character to whom you will actually relate. This is a fun-filled story any child will be sure to enjoy.

About the Author

Young author Marion McDonald co-wrote this first book telling the story of a small family moving to a new home.

Marion is from the southside of Chicago, Illinois. She was raised by her grandmother, Marion Brown, who is coauthor of The Missing Mom.

Marion has four brothers: Anthony, Guetirriz, Terrance, and Timothy. She is currently an honor roll student and has been on the honor roll since kindergarten. Marion began writing in kindergarten with the help of her grandmother. When she got to first grade, she began writing short stories. She plans on going to college. Her favorite subjects are math, writing, and literature. This is her second book but her first to be published.

(2012, paperback, 30 pages)