The Music is Written

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The Music is Written
by Tatiana Pietrzak

The Music is Written is a compilation of poetry that explores the intimate world of sound, rhythm, and musical origins. Sound and rhythm can be found in everything. These poems explore the possibilities of where one might be able to find music and are meant to inspire the expression of it, hidden within all things. It was written to encourage musicians young and old, as well as increase appreciation for the listener. Almost all people pick up an instrument at some point in their lives and are affected by music in ways they probably have not yet explored.

About the Author

Tatiana Pietrzak graduated with a Masters in Liberal Arts from St. Johns College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. After studying in London, Paris, Siena, and Florence, she lived and worked for four years in Beijing in film and television. She has published articles in the Beijing University Newsletter, the Eagle, and the Santa Fe New Mexican. In addition, she has won two Editors Choice awards from the National Library of Congress and was granted a Distinguished Membership from the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee of The International Society of Poets. Presently Tatiana is working on her first novel and a second compilation of poetry.

(2010, paperback, 68 pages)