Twenty-One Ways to Give Your Kids the Shirt Off Your Back by Wanda A. Landrey

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Twenty-One Ways to Give Your Kids the Shirt Off Your Back by Wanda A. Landrey

By: Wanda A. Landrey

About the Book

In author Wanda A. Landrey’s humorous take on raising children, she is able to relay to well-meaning parents that mistakes can and will be made, but the important thing to remember is that you learn from them.


About the Author

Although neither a child psychiatrist nor psychologist, Wanda A. Landrey is the mother of three grown children, nine grandchildren, and a “shirt-giving” expert. Through the years she has taught her husband to become one also. Both were last seen walking down the street naked.

On a more serious note, Landrey is the author of six books of East Texas history: Outlaws in the Big Thicket; Boardin’ in the Thicket: Reminiscences and Recipes of Early Big Thicket Boarding Houses; The Historic Belle Jim Hotel of Jasper, TX; Betting, Booze and Brothels: Vice Corruption; Justice in Jefferson County, Texas from Spindletop to the 1960s; and two children’s books: Lost in the Big Thicket and The Ghosts of Spindletop Hill.

Landrey and her husband reside in Kingwood, Texas.


About the Illustrator

Scott Weldon, MA, CMI is the Supervisor of Medical Illustration for the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine. His combined body of work for Baylor and diverse freelance clientele have been displayed and published nationally and internationally in presentations, marketing materials, scientific journals and posters, textbooks, videos, and on websites. He is an active professional member and currently on the Board of Governors and Treasurer of the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI). Over the years, the AMI has bestowed numerous awards on him for his illustration pieces.

Weldon is married with two youngish children and resides in Kingwood, Texas. With his “shirt-giving” career still in a relatively early phase, he’s only missing the sleeves off his shirt so far but it is guaranteed that the rest is already spoken for.


(2018, Paperback, 108 pages)