Unbreakable Cord

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Unbreakable Cord

By: Karen Barquero


About the Book

Drugs are fun. Until they're not. There's never an easy or comfortable way of approaching someone with an addiction, but Unbreakable Cord breaks down those obstacles. Loaded with real experiences from a born again, Christ professing recovered addict, and the family members who were most affected by it. Within these pages you will find the answers to the most daunting questions that circle around addiction: What makes an addict think the way they do? What influences an addict the most? Why would an addict choose drugs over their own well-being? Among many others... If you've been held captive by an addiction, or know someone who has, and have a desire to finally breakthrough the chains, then Unbreakable Cord is the book you've been longing for.


(2023, paperback, 94 pages)