Product Overview
by Grace Girdwain Although we tend to take them for granted, our hands are vital to our well-being and provide us with unlimited capabilities. Grace Girdwain shares many of the marvelous things hands can do in her second book, With These Hands: For All the Children Around the World. Using youth-oriented language, Girdwain covers the gamut from using our hands to dress ourselves, brush our teeth, and comb our hair; to drawing, playing games, and writing; to caring for others and praising the Lord. Coupled with creative black and white line illustrations drawn by the author using her own talented hands, Girdwains tapestry of language and art augment this medley on appreciating ones physical body and capabilities, reminding us there are always hopes and dreams upon which to build. About the Author: As a professional pianist, state statute consultant, and convention health speaker, Grace Girdwain is especially qualified to appreciate hands. She also previously published Your Personal Guide to Immunization Exemptions with Dorrance Publishing in 1992. A native of Illinois, Grace shares her life with her husband, Nestor, and has raised four children: Susan, Michael, Steven, and Angela. A member of the National Vaccine Information Center, the Humanitarian Society of American Inventors, and the National Health Federation, Girdwain also enjoys art, poetry, gardening, and designing dolls and doll clothing. (2001, paperback, 41 pages)