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Unspoken Words (of Unheard-of Thoughts)
By: Devlynn E. Javon
The meek shall inherit the earth
The wise come up from beneath the dirt
Those who learn through their life
Doing bad while trying right
Never hate your wrong and mistakes
From these places
Knowledge we make
There are no more lies, just the honest truth. Author Devlynn E. Javon is exposed—there are no more secrets to hide.
In his poetry collection, Unspoken Words (Unheard-of Thoughts), readers can take away a feeling of hope and understanding, through the words of the life of a young man.
About the Author
Devlynn E. Javon was born in Plainview, Texas, and raised in Lubbock. He started writing poetry at the age of fourteen and got his idea for this book while enlisted in the U.S. Army. He now resides in Lubbock, Tx.
(2021, paperback, 128 pages)